Ryszard Szmit, Owner of Ruroserw, during participation of Quality Summit in New York organized by Business Initiative Directions of Madrid.
In 2005 Ruroserw Comapny was nominated as one of the best companies in Pomorskie Region and its owner, Ryszard Szmit, won a prize in competiotion of Businessman of 2004 year. Thanks to experience gained during many years of activity in shiprepairing and shipbuilding industry Ruroserw's team feels ready to take up any tasks set by clients. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Ryszard Szmit, Owner of Ruroserw, during participation of Quality Summit in New York organized by Business Initiative Directions of Madrid , was honored by Platinum Award for Excellence and Business Prestige 2009. Ruroserw was awarded in recognition of the continous search for quality demonstrated by the achivement of ongoing development and innovation applied to solutions which create business results.

Ryszard Szmit, Owner of Ruroserw, during participation of International Quality Convention in Geneva organized by Business Initiative Directions of Madrid, was honored by International Star Award for Quality 2008.

Ruroserw was awarded for implementing and promoting quality culture.